Pardon our dust! There’s no getting around it—renovations are a messy business, and the bigger the job, the bigger the mess. We do everything we can to keep disruption to a minimum, but there are also a few things you as a homeowner can do to help us meet your time and budget.
Show Us the Boundaries
Like any guest in your home, we’re eager to know the unwritten rules of your household. Are you comfortable lending us a key to access the work site, or do you prefer to have a trusted neighbor available? If there is a security system, can you share the code with us? Where’s the best place for us to store materials? Consider also if there are valuables you’d be more comfortable securing while we’re in the house. Inform us of any areas that are off-limits without your prior consent. Your guidance will help us avoid unnecessary frustration or misunderstandings.
Keep Communications Open
If there’s one thing that can take the excitement out of your renovation, it’s not getting just what you hoped for. As walls come down, your vision of the final product may evolve—and we want to know how we can adapt to make sure you’re totally delighted with the result. That’s why we ask for early and frequent communication with you (and your architect, if you have one). It’s the only way we can take your ideas from paper to reality without risking your total satisfaction. We insist on doing it right the first time.
Designate a Contact Person
We assign a project manager to oversee every aspect of your project and answer questions about the process and results. Likewise, we ask that your household pick a spokesperson to communicate the whole family’s vision, and make decisions on their behalf if circumstances require a judgment call—a tweak to the plan, or an alternative option, for instance.
Help Your Pet Find a Happy Place
Pets are part of our families, too, so we understand what the sound of a miter saw does to the delicate sensibilities of a dachshund. For their comfort and safety, please arrange separate quarters for your pets while work goes on, someplace where they can’t escape the property. Our total focus on the job means we can’t keep an eye on your pets.
An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Dust
Most renovations mean dust. Plaster dust, drywall dust, sawdust—you name it. It gets everywhere, even between dishes stacked inside cabinets. We’ll screen off the obvious doorways with plastic, but we always want to know if there are any other sensitive areas of your home that might need extra tarp protection. We broom-clean at the end of every workday, but dust will still escape. We also recommend using a dust-rated furnace filter during work and changing it when we’re done.
The bottom line is that renovation mess is something you have to plan for. It can be a bit of a trial. But Aleto Construction is dedicated to making things go as quickly, smoothly, and on-budget as possible. With your help, we can make it beautiful—and make it easier on you and your family.