Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

We are over ½ way through 2022 and design experts are talking about what will be trending in 2023. If you are planning your 2023 renovation project, here is what they say you can expect to see hitting the spotlights next year. Colors are going to a more calming,...
Hot Designs in 2022

Hot Designs in 2022

Now that we are 1/2 way through the year you may be wondering what are the hot trends that design builders are seeing this year. Overall we are seeing more bold color selections, a priority in outdoor living, bringing the nature inside, texture, digital additions and...
How to Survive a Kitchen Renovation

How to Survive a Kitchen Renovation

Congratulations, you are getting the new kitchen that you have dreamed of for many years! Amidst the excitement you may also be worried about how you are going to feed your family without your kitchen. A little planning ahead and an open mind will help you keep your...
Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

After months of cold winter the days will soon be getting longer and warmer, and hopefully more consistently warm. Take advantage of this time of year to give your home some much needed TLC. We aren’t just talking about tackling your spring cleaning, we are talking...